丁酉鸡年-爱豆笔此祝福大家新年快乐!IdleBeats wishes you a happy Year of Rooster!

发表于 讨论求助 2021-10-30 07:29:55

2017年是农历丁酉鸡年,鸡年春节就这样在不经意间到来了。回首过去的一年,我们在IB Print Club开展了一个又一个趣味横生的丝印入门工作坊;带着我们的移动设备去到各种热闹艺术活动现场,完成了一场场别开生面的丝印秀;在柬埔寨和澳大利亚展览之后,又在上海成功举行了双城记版画展第二期和庇护所线上音乐海报展。


2017 is the lunar year of rooster, the Spring Festival has just arrived without noticing. Looking back on the past year, we hosted entertaining screen-print beginner workshops one after another at IB Print Club, participated in live printing shows at various events with our mobile devices. After the exhibitions in Cambodia and Australia, we also contributed to great success of our yearly Tale Of Two Cities exhibition #2 and The Shelter music poster online show. 

IdleBeats would like to take this chance, to thank all of your constant support and love, wishes you a Happy Year of Rooster!

点击“阅读原文”预购 丁酉鸡年 艺术版画

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