Robert Fulton -  November 14:美国历史上的今天

发表于 讨论求助 2020-11-21 08:01:21


On November 14, 1765, Robert Fulton 罗伯特•富尔顿 was born on a small farm in Pennsylvania.


As a small boy, Fulton enjoyed making things. At the age of 13, he made a skyrocket 烟花,焰火 and set it off 燃放;使爆炸 on the Fourth of July.


Robert Fulton was a good painter and even went to England to study art. His interest turned from art to mechanical things. He became more interested in boats.


While Fulton was working to build a steamboat 汽船, many people were laughing at him. They didn’t believe the steamboat would run. They called it “Fulton’s Folly蠢事.” Those people who didn’t believe in his steamboat were wrong.


On August 17, 1807, a group of men and women boarded Fulton’s steamboat. They planned to travel from New York Harbor to Albany 奥尔巴尼,纽约州首府, New York. At first, it didn't look as if the boat would be able to begin the trip. The engine started, then stopped. Finally, the engine started, and the steamboat was on its way.


Fulton’s steamboat was named Clermont 克莱蒙特号.The Clermont wasn’t the first steamboat that Fulton built. His first one sank when it was launched 使船下水;发动. The frame of the boat wasn’t strong enough, so he made the Clermont larger and stronger.


The success of the Clermont led to the age of the steamboat.


Fulton was also interested in submarines 潜艇. A submarine is a watertight 密闭的,不漏水的 tank that can stay deep under water for a long period of time. In 1800, he designed a submarine he called the Nautilus 鹦鹉螺号.


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