<SPA Event> G Salary Structure Sharing

发表于 讨论求助 2018-06-07 19:33:20

Dear Shell Graduate Staff,

2016年6月3日,SPA有幸邀请到壳牌HR部门的专业人士Yang Ying (GCHR analyst)Ma Sirius (China Policy andCompensation Advisor) 来为G-Staff小伙伴分享主题为: GSalary Structure 的相关内容,更好地了解与每个人息息相关的G薪资设定标准和其背后关于如何衡量员工价值的”惊天秘密”。尽请期待!


         June 3rd 2016, 12:00-13:30

         Shanghai: Meeting Room 10E

         Beijing: CWT2,33F

         Other location: MOC Link


  • Understanding the bigger picture

  • How reward links to the company strategy and business objectives

  • Employee Value Proposition

  • Ensuring competitive pay in Shell

  • How performance links to pay

  • Graduate Pay Policy

欢迎当天在上海/北京的G-staff 积极参加,会前有午餐提供!其他区域的小伙伴欢迎电话拨入哦!

2016 SPA Committee

SPA (Shell Pearl Association) aims at supporting ourShell China young professionals by helping you to expand network, buildbusiness knowledge, develop personal & leadership skill and get careerguidance.  

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